Analysis Paralysis

Every path has its pitfalls.

When you spend too much time thinking about all the negative possibilities, you never make a move. Options are good, but we can analyze those options to death. Why? You will inevitably find challenges and pitfalls to each path. 

You want a good option, one that doesn’t have a lot of downsides. So when you see the downsides, you put that option on delay. You look at other options. But then with your next option, you repeat the pattern. Before long, you’ve fallen into the paralysis of analysis. 

Here’s the thing. Every path has its pitfalls. Every direction you choose has downsides. Every option will have opposition. You can either wait forever for the perfect path (which does not exist). Or you can make a move, knowing that the path won’t be perfect. 

How do you decide? Assess the risks and commitment? If something is low risk and low commitment, you may be over analyzing the option. But if it is high risk and high commitment, you do need to spend your time thinking it through. 

It helps to gauge how much energy you should be putting in the decision making process. Put a deadline on your decision making. Decide now how long you’re going to take to choose a path. When the deadline hits, make a move. There are no perfect paths. 

Use wisdom. Seek counsel. But don’t be afraid of imperfect paths. Sometimes moving is more important than figuring out which way to move. 

How do you make a decision? What’s your process? Put a comment down below. 

By: Coach John