
That tweet just cost you 25 minutes. 23.15 to be exact. That is how long it takes our brain to refocus on the task we are working on after we have been distracted. 

There is a great book written by Dr. David Rock called "Your Brain at Work". In it, he talks about how our brain has a limited amount of glucose. As the day goes on, that glucose starts to deplete. 

We hear of all these super successful hustlers and how they all get up at 4:30 in the morning, and that is why they are so great. Well, it's not that there is anything magical happening at 4:30 in the morning, it's just that there are less distractions. It helps us focus. 

Take advantage of that early morning brain glucose and anytime you need to do a project or any kind of planning that requires a lot of heavy thinking, do it early in the morning.

Go ahead and share this with a friend, or a colleague who you want to help hold you accountable to this. 

Try it with your friend and let us know how it goes.