A Tip for Those in Conflict

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Stop plotting how you're going to cut that person out of your life.  There's a better way to handle this... a way that can save the relationship, protect your shared professional interests and build your confidence.

A very frequent issue that our coaches see is the issue of conflict.  You're trying to close a sale, but the other party is treating you like dirt, or you have a colleague who talks down to you in front of others. 

Let's start here - this is not okay. 

 It doesn't mean though, that they become dead to you. This is an opportunity for you to build, not destroy.  We have to teach people how to treat us. It is absolutely, 100% acceptable, even advantageous for you to quickly, privately, and with humility, tell this person what will be accepted and what won't be. 

Saying to someone "I understand your frustration, and I hear you. This is an important partnership and in order for it to work, there needs to be a different level of respect. Moving forward, if you speak to me that way, we'll pause the conversation until a later time.  Let's make this work." 

A lot of people think, I don't want to come across as rude...no no, this is not rude. You can do this with grace and warmth.  You'll establish yourself as someone who acts in a professional manner, and someone who really does want there to be a healthy relationship, but also making it known what is appropriate and what's not.  

Their response could lead us into 70 other blog posts, but for now let's focus on what you can control and what you will allow. Relationships are the greatest asset in business...healthy boundaries aren't just recommended, they are absolutely necessary.