Join Us On Clubhouse!


Let's talk about Clubhouse.

Clubhouse is an invitation-only audio-chat social networking app. Think of it like this: you go to a professional conference, you're walking down the hallway with the agenda of meeting options in your hand and you pop into a room to listen to a discussion on something that interests you. 

You have the opportunity to raise your hand and ask questions of expert speakers and also connect with some new people. That's Clubhouse, but in an app.  

When I joined, I decided to take a few weeks to just lurk around, listen to what's going on in the rooms, hear different speakers....topics... questions.  I realized a few things: 

1. People behave very differently when hiding behind a screen. 

2. This is a great way to network digitally.

3. Everyone is a coach...see my next mini session for why that's terrifying.  

LSC is going to be taking part in Clubhouse, but we'll be doing something a little different.  We'll be offering free coaching once a week. 

In our rooms, we won't be telling you how to run your life or your business, we will be taking you through a coaching method to help you gain clarity and momentum.  

So, be on the lookout in our Instagram stories for when you can come join us for some free coaching on Clubhouse.